Contributor Guidelines ---------------------- Pull Request Guidelines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before you submit a pull request, check that it meets these guidelines: 1. The pull request should include tests. 2. If the pull request adds functionality, the docs should be updated. Put your new functionality into a function with a docstring. 3. The pull request should work for Python 3.6 and 3.7, and Travis CI. 4. Check to ensure the tests pass for all supported Python versions and platforms. Coding Standards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * PEP8 * Write new code in Python 3. Docstrings ~~~~~~~~~~ Every module/class/method/function needs a docstring, so use the following keywords when relevant: - ``.. versionadded::`` to mark the version in which the feature was added. - ``.. versionchanged::`` to mark the version in which the behaviour of the feature was changed. - ``.. note::`` to add additional info about how to use the feature or related feature. - ``.. warning::`` to indicate a potential issue the user might run into using the feature. Examples:: def my_new_feature(self, arg): """ New feature is awesome .. versionadded:: 0.8.3 .. note:: This new feature will likely blow your mind .. warning:: Please take a seat before trying this feature """ Will result in: def my_new_feature(self, arg): New feature is awesome .. versionadded:: 0.8.3 .. note:: This new feature will likely blow your mind .. warning:: Please take a seat before trying this feature When referring to other parts of the api use: - ``:mod:`~coherence.module``` to refer to a module - ``:class:`~coherence.module.Class``` to refer to a class - ``:attr:`~coherence.module.Class.attribute``` to refer to a attibute - ``:meth:`~coherence.module.Class.method``` to refer to a method Obviously replacing `module`, `Class`, `attribute` and `method` with their real name, and using using '.' to separate modules referring to imbricated modules, e.g:: :mod:`~coherence.upnp.core.device` :class:`~coherence.upnp.core.device.Device` :attr:`` :meth:`~coherence.upnp.core.device.Device.parse_device` Will result in: :mod:`~coherence.upnp.core.device` :class:`~coherence.upnp.core.device.Device` :attr:`` :meth:`~coherence.upnp.core.device.Device.parse_device` To build your documentation, enter into docs folder and run:: $ make html If you updated your Cohen3 install, and have some trouble compiling docs, run:: $ make clean $ make html The docs will be generated in ``docs/_build/html``. For more information on docstring formatting, please refer to the official `Sphinx Documentation `_.