0.9.1 - Fixes SSDP datagram sending¶
- Fixes:
Fix SSDP datagram sending
Fix request.setHeader values
Fix urllib3 security vulnerability detected in version 1.23.2
0.9.0 - Introduces new events system¶
- General:
Introduce new events system (EventDispatcher) which replaces louie/dispatcher
Apply Python3’s f-Strings
Normalise simple and double quotes (defaults to single quotes)
Add/enhance documentation
Remove unneeded modules louie and dispatcher as well as the related tests
- Fixes:
Fix most of the warnings when building docs
Fix error on “SUBSCRIBE” for some event calls
Fix wrong encoding/decoding strings introduced in the initial python 3 migration
Fix extra quotes for SSDPServer’s methods: doNotify and doByeBye
0.8.3 - Introduces Backend’s models¶
- General:
Refactor some backends using the new module backends.models
Introduces new module: backends.models
Add backends status to README
Better and cleaner documentation
Python 3’s f-Strings for backends modules
Upgraded dependency for requests package (fix vulnerability)
Split into several files the sphinx’s documentation
Migrate reports from coverage to codecov
- Fixes:
Fix backend IRadioStore (ShoutCast Radio)
Fix backend TEDStore
Fix backend LolcatsStore
Fix backend AppleTrailersStore
Fix the parsing of the soap messages with encoding declared
0.8.2 - Fixes and enhancements¶
- General:
Reintroduces WebUI
Improve documentation
Whole new design for web server html visualization
- Fixes:
Fix Inotify events
Fix test_dbus reactors conflict
Fix some travis dependencies
Fix wrong log level for init function of the log module
0.8.1 - Fixes and enhancements¶
- General:
Automate documentation building via travis
Add more sphinx documentation
Remove livestreamer as basic dependency
Migrate from pygtk to gi.repository
Migrate Gstreamer from version 0.10 to 1.0
Enhance Travis with more tests
Reformat according pep8 directives.
- Fixes:
Fix quoted keys for some headers
Fix Inotify (now uses twisted’s Inotify)
Fix all pep8/pylint errors
0.8.0 - Cohen3 project started¶
- General:
Rename project from Cohen to Cohen3
Migrate source code to python version 3
Twisted >= 18.7.0 is now required
Louie-latest is now required (instead of Louie)
0.7.3 - Fixes and improvements¶
- General:
Travis enhancements: make travis upload to pypi
- Fixes:
Hotfix for LazyContainer
0.7.2 - Minor bugfixes¶
- Fixes:
Fix issue when Cohen fails to be discovered by xbox 360 dlna client
Fix issue when using Lazy Container on Samsung AllShare on 2012 Samsung TV fails
0.7.0 - Cohen project started¶
- General:
lots of refactoring
removed lots of Coherence stuff
moved to lxml instead of (c)ElementTree
Twisted >= 14.0 is now required
livestreamer is now required
cleanups and fixes
- Backends: backend added
0.0.1 - 0.7.0 - Coherence project¶
Changelog skipped