

The backends are a special part of the Cohen3 project. They add extra capabilities to the main project, allowing to create a server which will serve some content depending on the enabled backend. The plugins were wrote a long time ago, and due to the nature of the backend himself it needs some kind of maintenance because, on some cases, we depend on external resources which may change… this could lead into some plugins may stop working. Another reason for backend failure maybe a bug in source code, if you detect that some backend is not working anymore, please, create a new issue at Cohen3 issue tracker, this way there is a chance that the problem could be solved.

If you plan to create your own backend you should check the section Write a backend which describes different methods for creating a backend.

Untested Backends

Note 1: Those backends depends on twisted.axiom and twisted.epsilon, which has been partially migrated to python 3…and may not work.

Not working backends

Note: Some of this non working backends, may be removed in a future releases (if we not find some way around the backend’s problem).