coherence.backends.iradio_storage (module)

A ShoutCast radio media server for the Cohen3 UPnP Framework.


You need your own api key!!!

class PlaylistStreamProxy(uri)[source]

Bases: coherence.upnp.core.utils.ReverseProxyUriResource

proxies audio streams published as M3U playlists (typically the case for shoutcast streams)

logCategory = 'PlaylistStreamProxy'

self.connection is set in utils.ReverseProxyResource.render


Render a request by forwarding it to the proxied server.

class IRadioItem(parent_id, item_id, urlbase, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: coherence.backends.models.items.BackendAudioItem

A backend audio item object which represents an Shoutcast Radio. This class will hold all information regarding the radio stream.

Changed in version 0.8.3: Refactored using the class BackendAudioItem

is_proxy = False

alias of PlaylistStreamProxy


alias of coherence.upnp.core.DIDLLite.AudioBroadcast

class IRadioStore(server, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: coherence.backend.AbstractBackendStore

logCategory = 'iradio'
implements = ['MediaServer']
genre_parent_items = {}
append_genre(parent, genre)[source]

This method gets called after the device is fired, here all initializations of service related state variables should happen, as the services aren’t available before that point.

retrieveItemsForGenre(parent, genres, per_page=1, offset=0, page=0)[source]