coherence.backends.feed_storage (module)

class RedirectingReverseProxyUriResource(uri, reactor=<twisted.internet.epollreactor.EPollReactor object>)[source]

Bases: coherence.upnp.core.utils.ReverseProxyUriResource


Render a request by forwarding it to the proxied server.

exception FeedStorageConfigurationException[source]

Bases: Exception

class FeedContainer(parent_id, id, title)[source]

Bases: coherence.backend.BackendItem

get_children(start=0, end=0)[source]

returns all the chidlren of this container


returns the number of children in this container

class FeedEnclosure(store, parent, id, title, enclosure)[source]

Bases: coherence.backend.BackendItem

class FeedStore(server, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: coherence.backend.BackendStore

a general feed store

logCategory = 'feed_store'
implements = ['MediaServer']

returns the item according to the DIDLite id


get the feed xml, parse it, etc.