coherence.backends.appletrailers_storage (module)


This is a Media Backend that allows you to access the Trailers from

Example to run from python script:

from coherence.base import Coherence
from twisted.internet import reactor

coherence = Coherence(
    {'logmode': 'info',
     'plugin': {'backend': 'AppleTrailersStore',
                'name': 'Cohen3 AppleTrailersStore',
                'proxy': 'no',

Example to run from console:

cohen3 --plugin=backend:AppleTrailersStore,proxy:no


you need the cohen 3 package installed to run the plugin from a console.

Changed in version 0.8.3: The Container class has been removed

class AppleTrailerProxy(uri)[source]

Bases: coherence.upnp.core.utils.ReverseProxyUriResource

Tha AppleTrailerProxy ia a Resource that takes care to render the result gotten from our server AppleTrailersStore


The ReverseProxyUriResource is not able to handle https requests, so… better stick to non proxy until properly handled.


Render a request by forwarding it to the proxied server.

class Trailer(parent_id, item_id, urlbase, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: coherence.backends.models.items.BackendVideoItem

A backend item object which represents an Apple Trailer. This class will hold all information regarding the trailer.

Changed in version 0.8.3: Refactored using the class BackendVideoItem

is_proxy = False

alias of AppleTrailerProxy

mimetype = 'video/quicktime'
class AppleTrailersStore(server, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: coherence.backends.models.stores.BackendVideoStore

The media server for Apple Trailers.

Changed in version 0.8.3: Refactored using the class BackendVideoStore

logCategory = 'apple_trailers'
implements = ['MediaServer']
upnp_protocols = ['http-get:*:video/quicktime:*', 'http-get:*:video/mp4:*']
root_url = b''
root_find_items = './movieinfo'
root_id = 0

alias of Trailer

item_type = 'http-get:*:video/quicktime:*'

Convenient method to extract data from an item.


this method must be sub classed and must return a dictionary which should hold the data that you want to be set for your items.


Creates and adds an instance of your defined item_cls into the :attr:container_cls. The item will be initialized with the provided data, collected from the method parse_item()