coherence.upnp.core.msearch (module)


A class representing a protocol for datagram-oriented transport, e.g. UDP.

class MSearch(ssdp_server, test=False)[source]

Bases: eventdispatcher.eventdispatcher.EventDispatcher, twisted.internet.protocol.DatagramProtocol, coherence.log.LogAble

    Changed in version 0.9.0:
  • Migrated from louie/dispatcher to EventDispatcher

  • The emitted events changed:

    • UPnP.SSDP.datagram_received => datagram_received

logCategory = 'msearch'
datagramReceived(data, xxx_todo_changeme)[source]

Called when a datagram is received.

@param datagram: the string received from the transport. @param addr: tuple of source of datagram.


Because it’s worth it (with UDP’s reliability)
