coherence.upnp.core.soap_service (module)

Soap Service

SOAP is a simple Object Access Protocol, for actually calling actions. This module contains a class UPnPPublisher which will manage SOAP’s services.


Custom exception for class UPnPPublisher


A custom implementation of twisted.web.soap.SOAPPublisher, but removing the SOAPpy dependency.

exception errorCode(status)[source]

Bases: Exception

class UPnPPublisher(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: eventdispatcher.eventdispatcher.EventDispatcher, twisted.web.resource.Resource, coherence.log.LogAble

Based upon twisted.web.soap.SOAPPublisher and extracted to remove the SOAPpy dependency UPnP requires headers and OUT parameters to be returned in a slightly different way than the SOAPPublisher class does.

    Changed in version 0.9.0:
  • Migrated from louie/dispatcher to EventDispatcher

  • The emitted events changed:

    • UPnPTest.Control.Client.CommandReceived => control_client_command_received

logCategory = 'soap'
isLeaf = 1
encoding = 'UTF-8'
envelope_attrib = None
_sendResponse(request, response, status=200)[source]
_methodNotFound(request, methodName)[source]
_gotResult(result, request, methodName, ns)[source]
_gotError(failure, request, methodName, ns)[source]

Handle a SOAP command.
