coherence.upnp.core.soap_proxy (module)


A Proxy for making remote SOAP calls.

class SOAPProxy(url, namespace=None, envelope_attrib=None, header=None, soapaction=None)[source]

Bases: coherence.log.LogAble

The SOAPProxy is based upon twisted.web.soap.Proxy and extracted to remove the SOAPpy dependency.

Initialize the SOAPProxy class by passing the URL of the remote SOAP server.

logCategory = 'soap'
callRemote(soapmethod, arguments)[source]

You can use the method callRemote() like

proxy.callRemote('foobar', 1, 2)

to call remote method ‘foobar’ with args 1 and 2.

Also you can call the method callRemote() with named arguments

proxy.callRemote('foobar', x=1)


The named arguments feature it will be useful to pass some headers (if needed) to our soap calls.
