coherence.backends.models.containers (module)

Backend models for Container

Backend container to be used as a container for backend items, used by backend store BackendBaseStore.

The BackendContainer inherits from Container and will initialize a Container stored into variable BackendContainer.item. This is the base class for our containers.

We also provide some more containers:


To write this module, some of the the old backends has been taken as a reference:


Be aware that we use super to initialize all the classes of this module in order to have a better MRO class resolution…so…take it into account if you inherit from one of this classes.

New in version 0.8.3.

class BackendContainer(item_id, parent_id, name, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: coherence.backend.Container

The BackendContainer will hold the reference to all your instances of BackendItem/s. This class could be used as a container for a simple backend. It is almost the same as a Container but with some slight differences that will make easier to create an inherited class form BackendContainer:

  • The arguments to initialize the BackendContainer are

  • When we initialize the BackendContainer we also create an attribute item whim will be of Container which will allow us to perform most of the operations we need to operate with your BackendItem/s

logCategory = 'BackendContainer'

alias of coherence.upnp.core.DIDLLite.Container

item = None

Define the initialized item_cls. It will be set when the class BackendContainer is initialized based on the attribute item_cls

class BackendMusicAlbum(item_id, parent_id, name, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: coherence.backends.models.containers.BackendContainer

Definition for a music album. This is an inherited class from BackendContainer but we use a different item class MusicAlbum to create our item

logCategory = 'BackendMusicAlbum'

alias of coherence.upnp.core.DIDLLite.MusicAlbum


Called by the MediaServer web.


the name of the item, it is always expected to be in unicode.


Called by the MediaServer web.


the filepath where to find the album art file


only needed when we have created for that item an albumArtURI property that does point back to us.

class BackendBasePlaylist(item_id, parent_id, name, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: coherence.backends.models.containers.BackendContainer

Definition for a playlist. This is an inherited class from BackendContainer but we use a different item class PlaylistContainer to create our item

logCategory = 'BackendBasePlaylist'

alias of coherence.upnp.core.DIDLLite.PlaylistContainer


Called by the MediaServer web.


the name of the item, it is always expected to be in unicode.